Online Resources and Trainings
This section contains helpful trainings and resources about opioid use disorder (OUD), safe prescribing, harm reduction / non-stigmatizing language, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
Opioid Facts and Surveillance
Discusses treatment gaps in opioid agonist treatment (OAT) and provides estimates of needed providers
California Opioid Overdose Surveillance Dashboard
Surveillance dashboard providing data on opioid prescriptions and overdoses in California
Opioid Use Disorder - EpidemiologY (PDF)
A brief introduction to opioid use disorder
Opioid Use Disorder Screening ToolS (PDF)
A brief introduction to OUD screening tools and diagnosis
Recommendations for Prescribing Opioids
Centers for Disease Control and PreVention (CDC) Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
Recommendations for prescribing opioids for chronic pain in primary care settings
Resource for prescribers on how to communicate with patients before starting opioid treatments, as well as how to continue and stop opioid treatments
Harm Reduction
Non-Stigmatizing Language
Cultural & Structural Competence
California Opioid Safety Network
Resource for sharing best practices and strategies to reduce opioid-related deaths in California
Offers free, multimedia resources (e.g. fact sheets, manuals, training curricula, podcasts, videos) surrounding harm reduction and substance use disorders
Opioid Use Harm ReductioN and treatment (PDF)
A brief guide on harm reduction and treatment for opioid use disorder
Recommendations for Non-Stigmatizing Language in Substance Use Research
Provides a reference table of recommended non-stigmatizing terminology/language
Person-First Language for Substance Use DisorderS (PDF)
A brief guide on the use of person-first language for substance use disorders
One-pager on the importance of cultural and structural competency training to improve treatment engagement for substance use disorders as well as examples of culturally and structurally competent interventions
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Tools and resources for implementing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for OUD in rural primary care settings
AHRQ, Integration Academy - Opioids & Substance Use
As part of the AHRQ's Opioid Initiative, the Integration Academy supports implementers of MAT for OUD in primary care settings
California MAT Expansion Project
Summarizes various opioid-MAT projects, and offers resources such as toolkits, webinars, and treatment locators
Providers Clinical Support System - overview of mAT
Provides an overview of medication-assisted treatment and online MAT-waiver trainings for physicians, nurses, and physician assistants
Providers Clinical Support System - MentorinG Program
Provides clinical mentoring to providers, as well as offers resources on how to become a mentor
Provides an overview of MAT, medications used to treat OUD, training resources, guidelines, and certifications
Substance Use Disorder Workforce
Provides access to presentations and materials from the Recovery and Medication-Assisted Treatment Summit
The American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine - Educational Trainings
Lists upcoming events for MAT-waiver eligibility training
Medications for Addiction Treatment BESt PRACTICE TOOLKIT
An in-depth handbook/toolkit for medication-assisted treatment
Prescribing MAT in the Outpatient Setting
A quick reference for prescribing buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone) outpatient settings
Relevant Publications and News Articles
This section contains publications and news articles related to opioid use disorder (OUD) and treatment.
Relevant Publications and News Articles
nurse practitioners lead in addressing the opioid use disorder public health crisis
Curtis, 2021
Lee & McNeely, 2019
Changing the language of addiction
Botticelli & Koh, 2016
Jones & McCance-Katz, 2018
Evidence-Based Interventions for Adolescent Opioid Use Disorder
Ramos, Clemans-Cope, Samuel-Jakubos, & Luis Basurto, 2018
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Save Lives
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019
Want to Reduce Opioid Deaths? Get People the Medications They Need
The New York Times Editorial Board, 2019
Patient and Provider Testimonials/Narratives
This section contains narratives and interviews with patients, providers, and administrators.
Patient and Provider Testimonials / Narratives
How we created a new way to depict addiction visually
Symonds, 2018
Providers clinical support system - educational videos
PCSS offers free videos and trainings surrounding medications for OUD, opioid-related pain, stigma/language, and treatment
Administration Supports Providers Obtaining Waivers
Administration - What Support Looks Like
Primary Care Provider Views - Beyond Bupenorphine DEA Waivers
You and Your Clinic Can Make a Difference - Lives and Practices Changed
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locators
This section includes links to behavioral health and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services locators.
Treatment Services Locators
SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
Confidential and anonymous resources for persons seeking treatment facilities for substance use and/or mental health problems. Includes locators for practitioners and treatment programs providing buprenorphine and methadone as well as phone numbers for the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, National Helpline, and Disaster Distress Helpline.
SAMHSA Buprenorphine Treatment Practitioner Locator
Find practitioners authorized to treat OUD with buprenorphine in your state.
SAMHSA Opioid Treatment Program Directory
Search for opioid treatment programs in your state.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources for People Seeking Treatment
Free and confidential resources to help you or a loved one connect with a skilled, trained counselor in your area. Includes helplines, resources for opioid and substance abuse, help finding treatment, and campaigns related to mental health.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Alcohol Treatment Navigator
Search for alcohol treatment programs, therapists with addiction specialties, and addiction doctors.